Sunday, January 6, 2008

He's Here!!!!

Vance Keaton Beaty arrived tonight (Jan. 6) at 10:10pm. We've been at the hospital since 1pm. I was dilated to a 2. But my contractions were coming so hard, they knew we were staying for the day. Just as they got us into the labor room my water broke. That was about 2pm. Labor progressed pretty quickly on it's own from there. I never had to have pitocin. About 2:20 the anesthesiologist came in and I got an epidural. LOVED IT! It was pretty smooth sailing from there. We had "normal labor" till about 9pm and then they started having me push a little. Once I felt it was time, we started PUSHING. They all told me I was a good pusher and boy! did he come fast. He's 8lbs 15oz and 21 inches long. BIG baby! I have one picture so far. Penny went home this evening and put it on facebook. I'll have more when I get them from people. :) Luckily Heartland has WiFi and I am able to send this out! YAY! I'll keep you posted if and when we get to go home and stuff.


Katie said...


PDub's Motha said...

CONGRATS GUYS!!! Can't wait to see more pics!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! Glad things went so well. Looking forward to pictures.

The Duffs said...

Congrats! Jeff & I are so excited for you three! :)

Tabitha said...

Congratulations! He's beautiful!