Saturday, January 5, 2008

39 weeks

Well I am officially on 'vacation'. And it's killing me. I am not the type to sit around doing nothing. I try to relax, but watching the same TV shows over and over gets kinda boring, lol. If it was a little warmer outside, I would take a walk. But it's been very cold this week. This weekend it's suppose to be in the 50's. So maybe I can take advantage of that. It's been very uncomfortable lately too. He's going to be a BIG baby. My belly looks like something could explode out of it any day. Next Saturday marks my true "due date". I'm sure I'll make it till then. I have a Dr. appt on Tuesday. It won't really mean anything. The last 2 appts haven't shown anything new. They just keep an eye on my blood pressure and other vitals. I am still sitting at a 1 and thinned about half way. It's been that way for 2 weeks. I don't expect much change before Tuesday. :)

Akira has been y little buddy the last few days. She's become very clingy. It's been kinda funny to watch her. If I lay in bed she has to be right up against me. She's even tried to lay on me. I think she's going to be very protective of Vance when he's born. We've had problems keeping the cat out of the nursery, until lately. Akira will see him walk in and off she goes, to run him out of there. It's pretty funny to watch. She's got such a but personality. As for the other 4-legged kids, they have been acting differently too. The whole house is anxiously awaiting Vance's arrival.

Well here are those Maternity pictures I've promised you all. These were done by a local photographer. I have others on the way by another photographer. I'll post them when I get them. For those of you that don't know, I don't have Internet access at home. So I may be a bit behind on updates. :)

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