Tuesday, September 11, 2007

A place to call Home!

Well we are all moved in! We did tons of yard work on Saturday. The pictures below were taken before we got it all done, so it looks kinda trashy. Chris did all the mowing, bless his heart. I had the task of raking the trash area. The people that lived here before we did, didn't take care of it. There was trash everywhere. Plus, once you add our moving boxes and other trash to the picture, you can imagine what it looked like. We got it all cleaned up and bagged up and the trash company took it all Monday morning, YAY!

We also got to meet the neighbors across the alley. While we were outside cleaning, they came home. So I went next door and introduced myself. They are very nice people. They have an 18 month old little girl and a 1 week old girl. Sounds like Vance will have someone his age to grow up with.

I am absolutely loving the new house. We have plenty of room. Everything has a place and there's no clutter. The pictures I took of the inside were from this morning. My camera was in the car and it was cold. So the viewfinder was a bit blurry. I think you can get the idea of it though, ;) I don't have a picture of our bedroom. The cable guy is coming this morning and Chris had the TV pulled out. I'll get one on here eventually. Yesterday I worked on the nursery and got the curtains hung. Everything is where I want it for now. We're looking at getting a dresser. So once I get that in there, I might rearrange a little.

This is the back of the house. Like I said, still kinda messy.

Chris, working so hard on the yard...
The front of the house.

The side view

Living Room
Dinning room


And the Nursery

1 comment:

Melanie said...

It's SOOO cute!!! I bet you just love it! I cant wait to see it in person. I see you got a pack n play already too.